Why it is important to choose Right Solution/Implementation Partner?

Why it is important to choose Right Solution/Implementation Partner?

Having the right implementation partner is crucial for the success of any project or initiative, as they can provide accountability, expertise and experience that are essential for achieving the desired outcomes.

It is important that above all the implementation partner should be able to connect with your values, objectives and purpose of an organization. It should also important that the key person of an implementation partner should be involved giving you right edge over other in terms of quality, time and value.

Here are some reasons why it is important to have the right implementation partner:

  1. Accountability: The right implementation partner takes ownership of the project and is accountable for its success. They have a stake in the project’s outcome and are committed to delivering the desired results.
  2. Expertise: The right implementation partner has the necessary expertise to ensure that the project is executed in the most efficient and effective way possible. They have a deep understanding of the tools, technologies, and methodologies required to achieve the desired outcomes.
  3. Experience: An experienced implementation partner has a proven track record of successfully implementing similar projects. They have encountered and overcome common challenges that arise during implementation, and are better equipped to anticipate and manage them.
  4. Resources: The right implementation partner has the necessary resources, including personnel, equipment, and infrastructure, to execute the project. They have a team of skilled professionals who can work collaboratively to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

Hence, after carefully examining the above points the organization sometimes need to make tradeoff in terms of budget and quality specifically for services, as it is intangible. If the priority is to have the highest quality service possible, then it may be worth paying a higher price to ensure that quality is not compromised. In this case, the focus is on the long-term benefits that come from investing in quality, such as greater durability, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

We at Raahi Solutions focus on the quality services and our customer rank us high on above mentioned points. Would you like to have delightful experience? Please feel free to call or write to us.

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Blog on Entrance Management Solutions

Access Control – Identification – Visitor Management

In today’s world, managing the flow of people in and out of a building has become a critical task for businesses, schools, hospitals, and other institutions. This is where an Entrance Management Solution (EMS) comes in. An EMS is a comprehensive system designed to automate and streamline the process of managing entrances and exits. It includes a range of tools such as access control systems, visitor management software, and identification technologies.

Access Control Systems

Access control systems are a crucial component of an EMS. These systems are designed to control who can enter and exit a building. They can be configured to allow access based on various criteria such as time of day, user identity, and security clearance level. Access control systems can be used for both physical access control (such as doors and gates) and logical access control (such as computer networks and databases).

Visitor Management Software

Visitor management software is another critical component of an EMS. This software allows businesses and institutions to manage the flow of visitors into their premises. With visitor management software, visitors can be pre-registered and their information can be stored in a database. This information can then be used to grant or deny access to visitors, as well as to track their movements within the building. In addition, visitor management software can help businesses and institutions to comply with regulatory requirements such as health and safety regulations.

Identification Technologies

Identification technologies such as biometric identification, smart cards, and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) can also be used in an EMS. These technologies can be used to identify individuals and grant or deny access based on their identity. Biometric identification technologies such as facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and iris scanning are becoming increasingly popular due to their high level of security and accuracy. Smart cards and RFID technology can also be used to automate the access control process and provide a more convenient user experience.

Benefits of an Entrance Management Solution

Implementing an EMS has several benefits for businesses and institutions. First and foremost, an EMS can enhance security by controlling who enters and exits a building. It can also improve operational efficiency by automating the access control process and reducing the need for manual intervention. In addition, an EMS can improve the visitor experience by reducing wait times and providing a more convenient and streamlined process.


An Entrance Management Solution is a critical component of modern-day security and building management. It offers a range of tools and technologies to control access and manage visitors, improving security, operational efficiency, and the overall visitor experience. As such, businesses and institutions should consider implementing an EMS as part of their security and building management strategy.

Why enterprises should switch-over to cloud?

There are several advantages of cloud computing that make it an attractive option for enterprises. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Scalability: Cloud computing allows enterprises to quickly and easily scale their computing resources up or down as needed, without having to invest in expensive hardware or infrastructure.
  2. Cost savings: By using cloud computing services, enterprises can save money on hardware, maintenance, and energy costs, as well as on the need to hire and train IT staff.
  3. Flexibility: Cloud computing allows enterprises to access their applications and data from anywhere, at any time, using any device with an internet connection.
  4. Reliability: Cloud providers typically offer high levels of uptime and redundancy, which means that enterprises can rely on their services to be available when they need them.
  5. Security: Cloud providers often have robust security measures in place to protect their customers’ data, including encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

Overall, these advantages make cloud computing an attractive option for enterprises looking to reduce costs, increase flexibility, and improve reliability and security. Migrating to the cloud can also allow enterprises to focus more on their core business activities, rather than on IT infrastructure and maintenance.

Blog on Access Control System

An access control system is a security measure that regulates who can enter or exit a building, room, or area. It is a crucial aspect of physical security in a variety of settings, including offices, schools, hospitals, airports, and government buildings. In this blog, we’ll discuss what an access control system is, how it works, and why it’s essential.

What is an Access Control System?

An access control system is a security mechanism that limits access to a building, room, or area to only authorized individuals. It is a physical security system that provides an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access. It typically involves the use of identification credentials, such as keycards, PINs, or biometric data, to verify the identity of the person seeking access.

How does an Access Control System Work?

An access control system typically involves the use of three components: a credential, a reader, and a controller. The credential is used to identify the person seeking access. It could be a keycard, a PIN, or biometric data such as a fingerprint. The reader is used to read the credential and verify its authenticity. The controller is the brain of the system, which determines whether or not to grant access based on the information provided by the reader.

There are two types of access control systems: standalone and networked. A standalone access control system operates independently and does not require a network connection. It is typically used in small businesses or homes. A networked access control system, on the other hand, is connected to a network and can be monitored and controlled remotely. It is typically used in larger businesses or organizations.

Why is an Access Control System Essential?

An access control system is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it provides an extra layer of security against unauthorized access. This is especially important in high-security areas, such as government buildings or data centers. Secondly, it provides a record of who has entered or exited a building or room. This can be useful in the event of an incident, such as theft or vandalism. Thirdly, it can improve employee safety by restricting access to certain areas that may be hazardous or require specialized training. Lastly, it can improve overall security by allowing authorized individuals to enter without the need for keys, which can be easily lost or stolen.

In conclusion, an access control system is a crucial aspect of physical security in a variety of settings. It limits access to only authorized individuals, provides a record of who has entered or exited a building or room, and improves overall security. It is essential for protecting sensitive information, valuable assets, and ensuring the safety of employees and visitors.

If you have any such requirement and would like to secure your premise, you can speak to us or call us.

How organization should transform from Office Infra to Digital Infra?

COVID-19 is a pandemic and it is a long-term thing. Hence, people and organization should align with it for their existence and survival. While respective country governments taking measures to protect their people to restrict COVID-19, it is also an organization look out how to swim through these tough times.

This blog aims to explain organizations to take few simple steps to ensure business continuity and customer engagement. You already knew these; the only thing is to practice and align it to this new (ab)normal.  

  • Go Digital and Adapt Technology

Now smartphone, laptop and internet are part of our daily life. Adapt software tools for an employee to connect and collaborate. For example, use of zoom, google meet, Microsoft team, skype etc. for collaboration and customer engagement. Use of VOIP services for voice communication. Use of CRM to ensure proper management of leads and its statistics. We can help you to adapt technology and to achieve your digital transformation goals. No matter your company is small, medium or large, adapting these tools are now need of an hour.

  • Focus on Digital Content

COVID-19 has created a physical barrier and gone are the days were customer visit is an essential part of the sales strategy. Now, it will be slowly and gradually replaced to digital meeting. Hence, creating an interest and to reach to your target customer would utmost important than never before. Here the relevancy of content to the right customer is a key aspect for your business. Invest some of your budget for creating a content and content marketing.

  • Social Media Presence

Plethora of information is available at your fingertips. Marketers today focus on content marketing on various platforms to create leads and brand building. It does not take a huge investment rather it gives an access to larger market and helps your business to grow at much faster pace.  

  • Educational Videos

Customer buys product to make their business processes simpler, faster and convenient. A right product/service video, can create a greater impact to the customer than any other tool. Further, it makes sales person life easy and offer uniform communication to customer all across. There are statistics which says genuine customer centric videos has yielded fabulous output.

  • Website Marketing and SEOs

Technology has given wings to an organization to drive relevant traffic to the site. With right website structure and content, right customers can be attracted to your products and services. More traffic means more opportunities to put your value proposition to your prospects. This can be done in organic way using know-how of SEOs and understanding of target customers.

These are just indicative steps to understand overview. It can be detailed to make company specific strategy. We can help you to achieve these one, many or on all steps, based on your company needs and goals.

Please call us on +91 8511449544 or fill below information so one our expert will be in touch with you for further guidance.  

Smartphone is your new Identity…..

In last decade the technology has evolved in leaps and bounds. The main reason is Internet penetration and network availability in even remotest areas which has created a pull among the mass users. It has touched many lives especially countryside users and its impact on the society is immense. Hence, Mobile is now a necessity like food, air and shelter.  Smartphone is a gadget which is with the user 24×7, which is no longer only communication tool but it encompasses the whole world in your fist.

Covid-19 pandemic is a time of social distancing. During this time, smartphone can really help a mankind to maintain social distancing using digital transformation techniques such as using e-commerce, e-payment etc. One such transformation is of using your smartphone for attendance on the move. Organization now come out of traditional biometric punching machine to new age smartphone-based attendance system which can resolve issues of missed punches, attendance of field employees, credentials not identified and long queues.


  • Auto-attendance Marking Using Mobile
  • Track Field Employees’ Movement
  • Reduce Attendance Correction Applications
  • Avoid Finger Identification and Missing Punch Issues
  • Secured Communication between Server and Mobile
  • Avoid Long Queues during Shift Time
  • Reduces Hardware Cost and Maintenance
  • Secure Sensitive Areas with Advance Access Control Features


  • Contactless Authentication
  • High Identification Speed
  • Improves People Flow Management
  • Easy to Use
  • High-Performance in Challenging Conditions
  • Requires Minimal User Involvement
  • Low IT Infrastructure Cost, Future Proof
  • High Accuracy
  • Flexibility on Deployment
  • High Productivity and Security

Enterprise Mobility and why it is important now like never before?

Enterprise Mobility and why it is important now like never before?

Enterprise Mobility and why it is important now like never before?

With advancement in technology it is also important that the user should streamline their contact to ensure being able to reach and to be reached on one number. The employee can use their mobile phones to make and receive calls using a business number as if the employee is using it from the desk phone at the office. An organization should opt for solutions, which transforms the employee mobile phone into enterprise business phone. So, an employee will be productive wherever they are while an organization get consistent connectivity, more efficiency and gives peace of mind that corporate mobile policy is enforced. Enterprise mobility offers one identity for business calls and voicemails. It offers single number reach; the incoming call will simultaneously ring on the mobile phone as well as the desk phone. The user can answer conveniently from anyone of them. Call can easily transfer back and forth between the devices. It offers dual identity on the employees’ mobile phone; one the business and other the personal. Both can be managed efficiently; it is possible to transfer and make conference by short code as if you are dialling form the office.

Therefore, with Enterprise Mobility power to your smartphone, an employee/user is at reach on single enterprise number be it in the office, on the move or at home.

In these tried times of COVID-19 pandemic, where it is an important for an organization to ensure enough tools to an employee work remotely from their home. Please let us know in case you need this transformation, please fill below details. Our expert will revert ASAP.

Face Recognition as a Technology and why it is now necessity for an organization to invest in?

Face Recognition as a Technology and why it is now necessity for an organization to invest in?

COVID-19 outbreak is now a world crisis. It has showed human that life is above all and it is important to protect it by all means. Social distancing would now be a necessity to protect each other.  Fingerprint based biometric identification now should be replaced with more sophisticated technology such as Face, Palm Vein and IRIS recognition. The popular among them is face recognition; there is a proliferation of these solutions in the market and majority of them are imported from China. Hence, it is important that you will take right decision while selecting the right brand and its implementation partner.

There are various factors which play an important role. They are;

  1. Face recognition is built on which technology (simple template based or new age deep learning AI technology). Remember the quality of solution depends on the intelligence with the system.
  2. Does it function in varying light conditions such as bright as sunlight or low light?
  3. Does it function with variable height of the user?
  4. The technology should be flexible enough to deploy in single or multiple location scenario so you will not regret your investment when you grow or add-on devices. It should offer centralized control so you will focus on your core business.
  5. Use the technology which is futuristic, secure (encrypted) and user friendly (convenient and easy to operate).
  6. Face recognition is a combination of hardware and software and hence it is important which camera (for face capturing) the solution is offering. Further, software build quality has to be in line with industry standards, should support auto-push technology which enables real-time data transfer and offers high accuracy.
  7. Do not settle for short-term need, instead switch to futuristic, scalable and flexible solution which will grow as your business grows as your investment in business should reap you benefits in terms of enhanced security and real-time data with integrated operations.

If you need further information on this solution, please fill the below information we shall revert ASAP.

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Body Temperature Measurement System and Why it is important to have in Plants, Factories and public areas?

Body Temperature Measurement System and Why it is important to have in Plants, Factories and public areas?

It is capable to discover and track people on the move who has higher body temperature even in crowded area. Elevated temperature is symptom of many dangerous disease including recent COVID-19. It find application in plants, factories, malls, airports, bus stops where there is huge and varied number of people visiting on daily basis. It helps to inspect them automatically and restrict the specific person entry and therefore, it will help others to save from contagious virus. It helps in prevention by not allowing person to have an entry in the premise and suggest person to do further action and quarantine. It can detect the temperature from the distance ranging from 1 meter to 9 meters based upon the lens of the camera selected. This is an actual social distancing unlike currently used in mall which needs distance of 2 to 5 cm. It uses AI (artificial intelligence) algorithm to measure the temperature and hence offer accuracy up to +/- 0.2 degree centigrade. These solutions are so far used in specific industries due to its implementation cost and niche need but now as it is a necessity, expected that each organization would add this soon as part of their IT and Infrastructure policy. The rise in volume and advancement in technology would make the solution affordable in days to come.

Prevention is better than cure and It is advisable to opt for the solution, early the better. Today’s Technology is at help for the organization to embrace these challenges. Our team is geared up to give the solution. Fill the information below and our expert will revert soon.

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Social Distancing and Online Meetings.

Social Distancing and Online Meetings.

The year 2020 started with COVID-19 outbreak which encouraged social distancing to avoid contagions and break the chain. Social distancing kicked off the concept of work from home and online meetings. The online meetings are not popular in India especially in non-metros. This article is just a small effort to educate the set of audience about how to conduct successful online meetings.

  1. Use online meeting platforms: There are ample numbers of cloud meeting platforms available. Few popular platforms are #zoom, #microsoft, #gotomeeting, #ciscowebex etc. Select the platform based on your requirement and budget. These platforms are easy to operate and there is enough online tutorial available to make a layman understand its operation. It is advisable that host should run through the demo and make himself familiar with the platform.
  2. Send Invitations for the meeting with clear agenda and plan of action. Plan in advance to avoid last minute rush. Seek an acknowledgement from the attendees to maximise utilization of time and resources.
  3. If you are hosting from home then use some designated place for you to present. Use clear, light background, should have noise-free room/space and comfortable seating arrangement to ensure that host and attendees focus on the agenda and plan of action.
  4. Make yourself ready for exigency: make sure that you have backup power supply/UPS/batteries for your laptop and video conference equipment. If possible, have second source of internet ready in case of outage of main internet source. In nutshell, make your mind free from any technical difficulties and focus yourself on the meeting agenda.

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